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Wednesday, September 19, 2012

The Haunted Writing Clinic and Contest from @CuriosityQuills

From the amazing Sharon Bayliss:

There is nothing SCARIER than rejection, so this Halloween face your fears by entering a spooky writing clinic and contest by Curiosity Quills. Not only will you get help crafting your submission package, you’ll have an opportunity to win a request from Curiosity Quills. And it’s all FREE!

We will have two types of bloggers involved:

Minions: Writers with query ready manuscripts.

All fiction genres are eligible for entry, however manuscripts that fall into our “favored genres” list will be more likely to win requests. Check the submission guidelines for this list.

Super villains: Published and pre-published authors from Curiosity Quills.

So far, I have six authors signed up as super villains and I’ll publish their names when it’s final. Super villains will enlist teams of minions to mentor. Each team will have a spooky name and theme. The super villain whose minions get the most requests will win bragging rights as villain supreme.

Blogfest schedule:

Week of 10/8: Query Week – Super villains will post tips on how to craft a successful query and their own successful queries (if applicable). Minions will post their query and super villains and other minions will stop by and provide critique.

Week of 10/15: First Page Week – Super villains will post tips on writing a great first page and their own successful first page. Minions will post their first pages and super villains and other minions will stop by and provide critique.

Week of 10/22: Mentoring Week – Super villains will pick teams of minions. Super villains will provide personalized critique on their team members’ submission package. Minions from the same team are also encouraged to help and support each other.

10/31 – It’s fright night! Minions ready to face their fears will submit their query and first page to our criminal mastermind judges (three submissions editors from CQ). If they like what they see they’ll make requests and hopefully graduate some minions to super villains.

Fade - The Ragnarok Prophesies: Book One - On Sale at: Amazon US | UK | DE | FR | IT | ES | Barnes and Noble | Kobo

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