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Thursday, March 7, 2013

It's FADE's Half Birthday Bash!

Six months ago today, Fade officially hit shelves! That means it's Fade's half birthay!

Crazy, right?!

I'm having a bit of trouble believing it myself, but I've consulted my handy-dandy calendar, and it's true. Today is Ari and Dace's six month debut birthday.
I don't know about you, but I love birthdays, and not just because cake is involved (though cake is rather important). I love the companionship involved in birthdays. Friends and family gathering to celebrate one another is never a bad thing. And presents don't suck either. :)

Today, I have a little of both for you! Some of my favorite people and I have put together a great big squishy collection of gifts just for you. Yes, you!
Your first birthday bash present pack includes:
  • An autographed paperback copy of FADE
  • FADE poster
  • $10 Amazon giftcard
  • March of Dimes sock puppet
  • $10 donation to your favorite charity
  • $10 giftcard courtesy of Fel Witzig
  • An ebook copy of EVER by Jessa Russo
Your second birthday bash present pack includes:
  • Ebook copy of FADE
  • Ebook copy of The Charge by Sharon Bayliss
  • $10 Amazon giftcard
  • FADE poster
  • Query Critique from Sharon Bayliss 
  • An ebook copy of EVER by Jessa Russo
  • $15 giftcard to Ali's Cookie Bakery (available everywhere)
Entering is easy as cake. All you have to do is pull up a chair, turn up the music, and click on that pretty little Rafflecopter below. Winners will be announced here on the blog on March 23rd. Don't forget to spread the word so all of your friends can join the celebration, too.
And if you're really in the celebrating spirit, scurry over to Project Team Beta's site! This month is their 4th anniversary, and they've got a ton of prizes up for grabs (included another copy of Fade and a sock puppet from the March of Dimes).
a Rafflecopter giveaway

Fade - The Ragnarok Prophesies: Book One - On Sale at: Amazon US | UK | DE | FR | IT | ES | Barnes and Noble | Kobo


  1. Hello!

    My favorite part of a birthday is spending the time with family.

    Thank you so much for offering the chance to wina copy of your book and the other cool prizes! My fingers are crossed to win... :-)

    Best Wishes,
    Lindsey V.

  2. Yay! Happy book birthday, A.K.! That's wonderful! :-)

  3. Happy Book Birthday!!! My favorite party is one with loud music and drinking high sugar, non alcoholic beverages so you can act like an idiot and remember it in the morning :-D

  4. happy book birthday!! Can't wait for the next one

  5. Oh, Happy 1/2 Birthday to FADE!! Can't believe it's been that long, already. Children do grow so quickly, don't they.

  6. Happy 1/2 book birthday! :) Congrats on your release, and thanks for providing the opportunity.

  7. Waaaa. I just saw this, and it is too late. I didn't even know you had a book out. I haven't been keeping up lately.


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