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Sunday, May 18, 2014

Happy Birthday, Asssistant Aloshua!

Today is a very special day.

My sweet little minion assistant, Aloshua (or Losh) is turning nine!

Losh is pretty much the best assistant an author could ask for. He's taken FADE into the operating room with him so all his nurses and doctors could see it. He's assisted me at book signings. He's helped pick our charities of choice and delivers donations to them. He brings me donuts and caffeine. He introduces me to VIPs like Mickey Mouse and Batman and Ronald McDonald. And he's pretty much the cutest assistant ever.

So happy birthday, Losh! You're the greatest assistant ever.

Book Signing Assistant
Helping with donations

Reading FADE before surgery
Bringing me donuts

Chilling with Mickey
And Batman
And Ronald
And the Rollin' Razorbacks

 I've won the assistant lottery with this one. :)


FALLThe Ragnarök Prophesies: Book Two is now available at Amazon Barnes and Noble | KOBO. FADE - The Ragnarök Prophesies: Book Two is available at: Amazon US | UK | DE | FR | IT | ES | Barnes and Noble | Kobo | Books-a-Million.

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