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Sunday, November 10, 2013

Book Signing Report and Gallery

Hello, lovelies!

I've officially survived my first signing, and I have to say it was a blast! My mom, sister, and the kiddos came up on Friday night to help me prepare. And by prepare, I mean my sister and I spent all evening Friday trying to figure out how the hell to get my hair to hold a curl.

Our attempts were a resounding failure despite the combined advice of our Facebook lovelies, so we quite for the night and got everything together for Saturday.

Saturday morning, while sis ran to McDonald's to get breakfast, I attempted to curl my hair again. Instead, I burned my forehead. And I don't mean a little burn. I mean I have a massive red mark/blister on my dang forehead. Noooooo!

Not a good way to start Book Signing Saturday!

But whatever. We all knew I'd manage to do something to make myself look all crazy. It's what I do. Sis and I promptly gave up on curling my hair, and wrangled the family to get them ready so we could run a couple errands before we headed to Starbucks.

When we got there, they had the conference table reserved for us. I have to stop here to say that the staff at Starbucks was wonderful. They were very helpful, and they plied me with so much hot chocolate, I thought I'd float away before the afternoon ended!

We spent the remainder of the afternoon chatting, signing folks up to win one of the two FALL swagbags (aka swagbaskets see below), signing all the things, and having a merry old time. My sweet nephew, Aloshua, informed us prior to leaving that he was going to be my assistant for the day. He kept his word and sat right beside me, handing me various things to sign, drink, and otherwise being the coolest, sweetest little boy on the planet.

We had a great time, and are looking forward to the next signing. :)

Thanks so much for everyone who dropped by!

If you did not get to attend and would like me to autograph a copy of FADE or FALL for you, please email me, and we can set that up. I also have bookmarks and pretty cover photos I can sign and send on to you.

Check out some of the photos from the day below.

Our table

My assistant

His mommy. AKA: My other asssitant.

Some of my visitors

Swag bags!

My unassisting assitants

First autograph of the day!

Book signing!




Falling for FALL


FALLThe Ragnarök Prophesies: Book Two is now available at Amazon, Barnes and Noble, and KOBO. FADE - The Ragnarök Prophesies: Book Two is available at: Amazon US | UK | DE | FR | IT | ES | Barnes and Noble | Kobo | Books-a-Million

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