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Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Ignoring Grammar Rules

Happy Writer Wednesday!

One of the most important things you will ever learn as a writer is that some rules were meant to be broken. If every character in your novel acts and sounds exactly the same, you're going to bore readers. Give your characters personality by changing up the way they speak, the words they use, and even the way they think.

You want to write believable characters...and we aren't a world full of English majors! Use sentence fragments and slang. Drop the "g" at the end of certain words. Give your character a stutter. None of these follow the rules, but they can make a huge impact on the ability of readers to relate to your characters. Sprinkle these rule-breakers in to make your characters more three dimensional and believable.

Just remember that there are certain rules you shouldn't break. Don't start punctuating sentences all willy-nilly. Don't let passive voice take over your story.

You need to have a good grasp of which rules shouldn't be broken and which are free game. This will make you a stronger writer.

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